Friday, March 7, 2008

ADSR Challenge 3 - The "About Me" Page

Fantastical Paper – Dianne Rigdon
Cardboard overlay – Linda GB
Betty Stamps – Jackie Eckles
Ledger Brushes – Katie Pertiet
Fonts-Dictafont, FG Jasmine
Frame-Katie Pertiet

This quote applies to me. It sums up my life. It's
not over yet. Since it's not the end, it's not OK.
And I can live with that. Now. But...
I used to be a worrier. Always thinking about what
might happen. But as I aged, somehow the worry and
concern fell away. I still try to be prepared, but
I don't always lay awake at night...totally frozen in
fear & unable to sleep for what might happen the next
day. I don't really know how this miracle occurred. I
did not consciously tell myself to quit worrying, tho my
husband has repeatedly told me in the past "don't worry";
which is similar to telling an alcoholic "don't drink"
it's easy to say-but harder to do. I don't know why this
miracle happened, but I am awfully glad it did. At times,
I thought I would lose my mind with worry. But somehow a
miracle blessed me with the ability of living in the present.
What relief to be able to wake up and not feel an
overwhelming sense of dread for the coming day, week,
month. To just be able to live. To feel alive. It is as
if a ton of weight has been removed from my brain.
I don't even feel like the same person that I
was 10, 15, 20 years ago. Everyday is a new day.
A new way to live life. I just hope that this
wonderful feeling continues. Because I don't
want to lose the way I feel. My only regret
is that I didn't live my complete life this way.
Everything will be OK. Because everything is
always OK in the end.

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